December 28, 2012

Cellnique Advanced Bio Renewal Masque

Blogging always takes a back seat at this time of the year but I thought this review was particularly appropriate given where I am right now. Afterall, any time I visit South East Asia, I try to pick up some local beauty and skincare products (e.g. last year's Majolica Majorca haul).

Cellnique is a Malaysian luxury skincare brand, and the Advanced Bio Renewal Masque is one of the company's best-selling products. I adore face masks of all kinds so when Cellnique sent this to me for review I couldn't wait to try it out.

The Advanced Bio Renewal Masque comes in a nice round container that feels quite weighty even though it's just made of plastic. Once you remove the mirrored lid, there is a tabbed "protector lid" on the inside that keeps the product from getting all over. There is no spatula included so I always wash my hands first to avoid contaminating the product.

The masque is formulated with AHAs and fruit enzymes to exfoliate dead skin cells and cleanse clogged pores. This means it acts more like a scrub that you can use a few times a week after cleansing and toning. To use, I apply the masque evenly in circular motions and let it rest for about 10 minutes before rinsing off.

Texture-wise, it's similar to a typical clay face mask except lighter and with small granules for exfoliation. The granules aren't super abrasive, but the masque does have a weird tingling sensation from the glycolic acid that can be quite uncomfortable if you have sensitive skin. Another thing to note is the smell, which I like but find kind of off-putting at the same time. It's very sweet, like pineapples, and reminds me a lot of these Sugus candies I used to eat all the time when I was a kid.

After each use, my skin does feel smooth and soft. However, while the Advanced Bio Renewal Masque has been a great addition to my skincare routine, I personally wouldn't call it a necessary addition. For one thing, this masque is quite expensive at $51 USD. Furthermore, I haven't seen enough visible effects in my 2+ months of using this product to warrant such a price tag. Lots of other reviewers have raved about this masque though, so perhaps it is better for those with more congested/problem skin.


  1. Lately I've been all about nourishing my skin - almost all of my spending money goes towards new products instead of clothes these days! This product sounds lovely and I could definitely use it for my skin and its particular issues - amazing review :)

    Alexandra xo

    1. I think spending a lot on skincare is worth it... after all, we wear our skin 24/7!

  2. This sounds like a really fantastic product. The price is a bit steep, but for something that works well, it is worth it!

  3. thanks for the honest review!!! Too bad it didn't show significant results....but that's probably because your skin is already healthy and radiant!


  4. I don't use masks very often but I love that you gave an honest review and told us that it didn't' do much for your skin after 2+ months of using it! That's great to know.

    Happy New Year and hope your holidays were fantastic!

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  5. I can't wait to try this! Thank you for the review!

    xo Rebecca

  6. happy new year!

  7. Wow so expensive! Sounds really nice though. I may have to wait on it for now..

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella


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