September 19, 2017

The Body Shop Tea Tree Anti-Imperfection Night Mask

Last Fall I talked about The Body Shop's (then new) line of Expert Facial Masks. This year, they've added a few new ones to the mix, including a recent skincare obsession: the Tea Tree Anti-Imperfection Night Mask.

The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil line has always been one of my favourites; their blemish stick was a go-to of mine back in middle school and high school. Plus, I love the scent -- it's one I never get sick of.

The texture of the Tea Tree Mask is hard to describe...  I would liken it to Jello because when you poke your finger into the product it kind of bounces back. The scent isn't overwhelming and once applied on your face, it feel cooling and refreshing (for an extra cooling sensation, you can put the mask in the fridge).

This new mask is meant to be used last in your skincare routine and worn overnight while you sleep. It works its magic by reducing imperfections and controlling excess oil. With continued nightly use, it also reduces the look of associated concerns such as pores, blackheads and blemish marks.  You know when you're having a bad breakout? This is the product you'll want to turn to. Not only that, it's 100% vegan, formulated without alcohol, non-comedogenic and won't stain your pillows!

Check it out for $21 CAD online or in-stores.


  1. I like that this has a cooling sensation on the skin. It sounds great!

  2. I've been loving their tea tree products!

    1. Same! There's such a huge range... great for tea tree fans!

  3. Ahhhh I need to try this! I have always loved the Tea Tree range at TBS but I haven't popped in a store in so long... I think you've just inspired my next purchase ;) haha!

    -Lauren Will from


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