July 6, 2012

GIVEAWAY: Julep Maven Nail Polish Box of Your Choice {CLOSED}

Some of you have probably heard about the Julep Maven Program; but for those of you that haven't, it's a monthly nail polish box subscription service (like the Birchbox/Glossybox/etc. but for nail polish). For $19.99 a month, you receive over $40 in on-trend nail polish and beauty treatments delivered straight to your door. Perfect for all us nail polish addicts!

I recently had the chance to test out last month's "IT GIRL" box, which came with this cute packaging and some toe separators for easy-to-do pedicures.

Inside were three bright and fun colours:

Lily - sizzling fuchsia creme
Daisy - bright lemon yellow creme
Sasha - fresh, canteloupe melon creme

Out of the three polishes, Sasha was my favourite because it was easy to work with and dried opaque with only two coats. Lily also only needed two coats but dried matte (a glossy top coat can solve this problem if you don't like it). Daisy was a little watery and needed more coats but is a nice colour for summer.

For this mani, I decided to use all three colours and freehand some interlocking tip shapes. Kind of reminds me of the 80s for some reason!

If you haven't tried Julep before, they are offering an amazing promo for first-time Mavens right now where you can get your first box, similar to the one I've reviewed, for only a penny (yes, $0.01!). Just enter the promo code MAVENINTRO on the Julep website.

And now for the extra fun part... one of my readers will win a Julep Maven introductory box of their choice (find out which box is perfect for you by taking this quiz). Simply complete and fill out the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends JULY 16. Good luck!


  1. Fun! I just entered your giveaway (and added your Twitter handle to my tweet because it wasn't there). Apparently my style profile is "Classic with a Twist"! Love the freehand tips you painted on your nails!


  2. Yay! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway :) I am glad I found your blog! I just started my own a few days ago (well I am trying haha)!

    1. Your blog looks great! Good luck :)

    2. Thank you so much!!!! :) I really appreciate you checking it out!

  3. I like that design! And I hope I win!


  4. niiice little collection of colors that they sent you! Love how you did your mani! Have a great weekend love!


  5. As a recent initiate into the crazy polish lady world, I'd just like to say that I'm loving your blog! Keep it up!

  6. What gorgeous colors! I wish that I could do that to my nails:)

    Thank you so much for finding my blog and commenting, it means so much! Your blog is fabulous!



  7. wow.. very great and stunning colors !!
    wish that i have nails like that =)

    come and visit my blog sometimes,
    hope we can be friend as a blogger =D
    here's my link : www.melodyofmywords.blogspot.com


  8. love those colors, cute nails!

  9. Love the colors & how you painted it on your nails!

  10. just found your blog and love your aesthetic! and guess what? i just started a new blog! i think i have a few good ideas if you'd like to stop by and follow it, if you like!


  11. Great giveaway Alison! Love your super bright mani too :D

  12. AnonymousJuly 10, 2012

    I would love to win that nail polishh aaa..
    Can you check out and follow my blog too Alison ?

  13. wow love how you color your names!

    I'm having the same giveaway on my blog too! CLICK HERE TO VISIT MY BLOG IF YOU WANT MORE CHANCE OF WINNING


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All content and photography © alison*elle. Design By The Sunday Studio.