January 17, 2013

Sanctuary Spa Bathtime Bliss Set

I love trying out new brands and was recently introduced to Sanctuary Spa by their PR. Sanctuary Spa, an actual spa located in London's Covent Garden, developed their namesake line of skincare and body products based on the expertise of their therapists and feedback from thousands of guests. Because all of the products are used in the spa's actual treatments, what you get are spa-quality products that are widely available (in the UK, at least) at fairly affordable prices (products start at £10).

I was sent the Bathtime Bliss Set to try out, which is a great sampler of products. It includes Sanctuary's Luxury Bath Float and Body Lotion, along with a Classic Fragrance Diffuser and candles to create a relaxing atmosphere.

The Luxury Bath Float creates clouds of frothy bubbles and though I'm not usually a fan of oriental scents, this one is not too heavy. A bath with this is the perfect way to wind down after a stressful day.

The Body Lotion is a light moisturizer that absorbs quickly. Scented with a mix of ginger and fragrant spices, I was expecting something similar to the popular Origins Ginger Souffle line. However, the ginger here is not very strong so it's good for those with sensitive noses.

I thought the votive candles were a nice touch (you can never have too many!) but my favourite product from this set was the Classic Fragrance Diffuser. Unlike other diffusers I've used in the past, this one actually works to constantly impart a comforting fragrance of citrus, bergamot, and jasmine, followed by a sensuous combination of vanilla, patchouli, and sandalwood. I put this in my living room and love how it now smells like a spa!


  1. The scents in this set sound just lovely! Of course I'm a little biased because they seem to have compiled all of my favourites into one set ;)

    1. These usually aren't scents I'd gravitate towards but I was surprised at how much I love them. Spas obviously know what they're doing in creating a comforting ambiance!

  2. Would love to try this!
    Just came across your blog and am now following.

    Mix and Match the F word

  3. I love the Sanctuary range SO much - it was my signature scent when I was working in London - would use the whole range of bath products - they smell amazing - loved using it after a stressful day!

    I would sometimes buy it at Loblaws - but they don't sell it anymore..I have found it at Winners though - have 2 bottles on back-up :-) Yes - I am obsessed!

    1. These scents are seriously soooo good for stress relief... no wonder they're some of your faves!

  4. ohhh so lovely never heard of this brand before.. i'll definitely have to see if i can locate it. i love love scent diffusers :)!

  5. Spa in the comfort of your own home? Well, that sounds divine! Thanks for sharing and for dropping by my blog :)

    Kisses from Dubai!

  6. Ooo scent diffusers, that must be so relaxing. and i love spa sets- everyone needs a good pampering night once in a while ;)

  7. im a sucker for bath products!! even though i have a relatively small bathroom, i try to indulge once in a while with my baths, from bubbles, candles, music and laying their with a face mask on! hahahaha!

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  8. Wow!! i didn't heard about this brand!!! so interesting!!

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  9. It sounds really nice! I still can't believe that I don't have any diffusers!!! I really need to pick some up...I might have to try these out :)

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  10. I have recently heard of the Sanctuary brand as it has come out in a popular store in Australia! I haven't tried any of their products myself but this little set looks great- the candles and diffuser look so nice, I want my room to smell like a spa too haha :)


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