August 5, 2014


Well, as the shirt says: I'm off from YVR to YYZ... with a little detour thrown into the mix. My summer vacation plans this year involve a trip out east to rendezvous with various friends in Quebec City, Montreal, and my hometown of Toronto. Be sure to follow my travels on Instagram, and I'll be back in 2 weeks!

Tee: One Method / Jeans: 7 For All Mankind (here)
Shoes: Nike (similar) / Sunglasses: Ray-Ban (here)

Can we also talk about how amazing this t-shirt is for a second? When I discovered Toronto-based One Method and their capsule FREE TRADE COLLECTION, I immediately set phone reminders for its release and made my order as soon as it launched. I've already gotten tons of compliments and even influenced a few friends to get their own tees. Hopefully the company releases some more cities in their next collection because I know many people who want them...  *hint*hint*


  1. Such a cute shirt ! I love the idea

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  2. So gorgeous--love your style! I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back!


    xo Jess

  3. Omg so cute! 604 and 416! Adorable! Have a great time!


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