March 29, 2010

8 Glasses of Water a Day...

I've decided I need to start drinking a lot more water in the hopes that I will feel less tired and more healthy. Apparently dehydration can be attributed to a lot of these symptoms. So, in light of my new goal I bought a new water bottle since my other ones are far too big/heavy to toss in my bag sometimes. Yes, it is for children. Apparently it's supposed to replace a sippy cup for toddlers. But it's just so cute!!


  1. I use a kid's thermos and a small water bottle, too! It is a really good size because it fits so well in my bag.

    Yours is Hello Kitty, and mine has bunnies, squirrels, and deer! lol

  2. You water bottle is endlessly adorable!

  3. that is cute! i hate drinking water, but trying to make it into a habit!

  4. Seems unhealthy to use a bottle that is kind of hard to clean the inside...

  5. so just give it to me.

    I can use it for you


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