March 16, 2011

The Suit Photoshoot

Suit: Jacob / Blouse: Jacob / Heels: Ralph Lauren / Coat: Community (Aritzia)

This is not really an outfit post per se, but as you can see, I have clearly been preparing for my impending entrance into the corporate world. Finding work-appropriate attire, particularly for those of us in the legal profession, can be so difficult sometimes. I mean, there are only so many colours of suits and mixes of pants/skirts/dresses/blazers that one can own!

Sometimes the only option when you're forced to wear suits everyday is to accessorize. Cute shoes and bold statement jewelry! I also prefer to match my suits with silk patterned blouses instead of collared button-downs.

Oh, and in case you were wondering exactly why I was wandering around by the beach in a suit... I was taking some "professional"-type photos for a project I'm working on. Figured I might as well share!


  1. I love these pictures! I love suits with patterned blouses. So lovely!

  2. You look great, Alison! :D So proud of what you've accomplished. And I also prefer silk blouses to button down shirts. I cannot, for the life of me, find one that looks good on me. Not to mention music concerts and recitals in elementary and high school ruined the look for me, lol.

  3. @Melissa patterned blouses are the best!

    @Deb thank you so much! It has been such a long, hard road and I'm glad it's almost over. Haha, I know what you mean about button-downs. *shudder*

    @bubbleness thank you!!

  4. how cool to be almost done with school and exams! you are rocking the suit (and all your other cute outfits!) I love all your blazers :) i also agree about the button down shirts -- i can never find one that doesn't make me look matronly!


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