April 16, 2011

Akbar's Own

Since the launch of Groupon, group-buying websites have become a sort of phenomenon, with many of us anxiously awaiting the amazing daily deals that arrive in our inboxes everyday. However, I don't know about you guys, but I was starting to get annoyed sifting through all those e-mails... it can be a bit much sometimes!

That's why I was so excited to find DealByDay, which allows you to consolidate all the daily deals into one convenient e-mail. By signing up, you can also pre-set the categories you're interested in as well as make sure you're only getting sent deals within a certain number of km from your house.

Thanks to the guys at DealByDay (who are from Vancouver, btw!), I was able to try out Akbar's Own, an Indian restaurant in my neighbourhood. It's one of those places I always walk by but never actually go inside, so I'm glad I got the chance to see what it was like.

When it comes to Indian food, I have a few favourites that I always order: butter chicken, muttar paneer, and aloo gobi. Surprise, surprise... guess what I ordered? And of course, some sides of naan bread, rice, and raita (a yogurt sauce that kind of reminds me of tzatziki).

The food was, as expected, really good. You can choose how spicy you want your dishes and I felt the portions were an appropriate size for an a la carte menu.

Akbar's Own is more of a "fine dining" establishment, so it's not really the place you would go if you were looking for cheap Indian food. I think it would be good for a date night of some sort, as there is also an extensive wine/drink menu and the ambiance sort of lends itself to that type of atmosphere.

Address: 1905 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC
Website: http://www.akbarsown.ca/


  1. Oh yum, I looove butter chicken too! With a mago lassi, mmm.

  2. Oops, I meant mango.

  3. @Deb I loveeeeee mango lassi - so good!

  4. This place looks yum. I heart Indian food and can never get enough of it, so those portions may not be suitable for me, lol. I need BIGGG portions of curry. And LOTS of naan.

  5. i've always wanted to try indian food, but my palette (and stomach) are pretty delicate and i'm not sure they can handle all the spice :p.

    but butter chicken always intrigued me. is it spicy, at all?

  6. @Sunny I feel like any time I go out for Indian food, it's a gigantic feast and I always overeat and feel sick afterwards. So funny that you'd want even bigger portions than these ones! ;)

    @Dani I'm not good with super spicy food either. Butter chicken isn't spicy at all - it's like a creamy tomato-type sauce... SO GOOD. I think you'd be able to eat it!

  7. I love Akbar's Own! They have this one eggplant dish that's to die for; the boy and I still remember it as one of the best eggplant dishes we've ever had.

  8. Love the idea of consolidating all the emails that come through, thanks for sharing. Love your blog, now following! Miss Walker xoxo

  9. Gah, I would like to eat this nowww, please! This looks amazing!

  10. OMG you spelled all the dishes name correct,& butter chicken is my fave :)
    Im an Indian BTW!

    nice blog you got here

    --kisses ♥

  11. frostedsnowMay 13, 2011

    I love indian food too! I always find it a little pricey though if the food is any good.

    It would be great if you took a picture of the outside of the restaurant so it would be a little easier to spot ^^

  12. @frostedsnow Good idea - I'll try and remember it for future restaurant reviews I do :)

  13. Thanks for the info! There are a ton of different sites now, although I'm not taking advantage of that fact by belonging to all of them. I'll have to check it out!


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