May 30, 2011

Sephora x Hello Kitty Nail Decals

I'm totally one of those girls who used to collect Hello Kitty everything, from plushies and stationery to pajamas and t-shirts. There's just something about Hello Kitty that causes uncontrollable urges to squeal "she's so cute!" every 5 seconds (or is that just me?)

So when Sephora introduced their new Hello Kitty line at the end of last year, I anxiously headed over to check out the products. Aside from the cute packaging, I wasn't super impressed. A lot of the items seemed easily dupable, and since I have a rather large makeup collection already, I've been a lot more picky with my makeup purchases (hence the reason you've been seeing less product reviews from me lately).

I did, however, pick up a sheet of the Hello Kitty Nail Art Stickers! Can't say "no" to cute little Hello Kitty faces on my nails...

Application-wise, these are really easy to use. Just peel them off the clear plastic backing, stick them on, and brush on top coat. I was really impressed with the adhesive on these - stickier than a lot of other decals I've used.

American Apparel Coney Island (see my review here)

However, these are kind of pricey for nail stickers (I think like $7 CDN), and I thought it was kind of weird that there were jam jars and milk cartons... why not just Hello Kitty faces?? There are a couple designs available aside from the ones I got but I thought these were the cutest of the bunch.


  1. Oh, how cute! I recently got a sheet of Hello Kitty nail stickers, too, but yours are SO much cuter!

    Love your maxi dress in the post below, btw. I also just attended a friends wedding today. Aren't weddings just lovely? :)

  2. @Joey Thank you! I love weddings so much, and they are even better when the people getting married are your friends. Jealous of your Hello Kitty nail stickers... I seriously cannot get enough of the cuteness.

  3. Oh they're adorable! I still collect Hello Kitty stuff ^_^ Most of my stuff is paper stationery, plushes, stickers, writing instruments, figurines, makeup bags...basically anything that's not home decor! lol.

    But yes, I checked out the Sephora Hello Kitty stuff too and you're right, there are only a few select items I could see myself getting, like the giant hand held mirror. And that's only if by a stroke of luck I get my job and have an income again! Adorable stuff though.

  4. omgosh i have these same exact nail decals from sephoras too!! bahaha.. love it.. the pink nail polish base is so perfect for the stickers!!!

  5. oh i'm one of those girls :) i LOVE hello kitty!! your nails are so adorable <3

  6. Super cute! I prefer the HK water decals though.

  7. l-o-v-e!!!! So freakin cute! Love the AA pink colour you put on as a base colour, it's perfect :)

  8. @Deb I want that giant hand mirror SO BAD. And I definitely have a stockpile of Hello Kitty stationery and notebooks that I just can't bring myself to use yet!

    @L I agree, the water decals are bigger and cover the nail better. I must get my hands on some!

  9. omg...adorable! I agree that they're kinda pricey but I love them :)

  10. These are super cute! Gotta find them for myself!

  11. too freakin' cute! i too collect all things hello kitty. i even have a hk cereal dispenser! lol

  12. Hahaha, I think out of all the ones I have I've only used maybe 3 Hello Kitty notebooks. They all look so beautiful and pristine when they're not used, lol!

  13. LOVE THESE!! your nails would be perfect for a visit to the Hello Kitty Cafe ;)

  14. i have tried one kind of nail wraps recently, it is very good,easily apply and look fantastic. it is the right products for holiday! It save your time to make it!


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