June 13, 2011

Hem Gems: An Inexpensive Way to Temporarily Alter Your Jeans

This post about about Hem Gems is long overdue (Laura at Hem Gems sent me a box to try out last year), but better late than never, right? They really are such an ingenious idea - especially when you've already spent tons of $$ on premium denim. Basically, you use these little pins (they come in four different styles: silver rivets, gold rivets, silver studs, and gold studs) to temporarily alter the length of your jeans depending on the type of shoes you're wearing.

Since visuals are key, I decided it would be best to demonstrate myself:

 The inseam on these jeans is so long on me, they're even almost too much for heels!

With hem gems, they're now perfect for flats!

Blouse: Jacob / Blazer: Zara / Jeans: Paige Premium Denim / Flats: Marc By Marc Jacobs

The pins are a little hard to work with sometimes since they need to be quite strong to go through denim, and obviously you're not going to get the perfectly "clean" look you'd get with a professional alteration, but Hem Gems are perfect for those pairs of jeans you want to wear with both heels and flats. Plus they're only $19.99 for a pack of 8 that you can re-use again and again.


  1. Never heard of this before! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I seriously need Hem Gems!

    Is this available in local stores? Or this has to be purchased through the website?

    BTW, new to your blog.. I love it.

  3. OMGOSH! i saw this commercial on TV recently!! i've been dying to try these because i wear my shoes are either flats are sky high heels.. and having multiple jeans for different lengths of pants is so annoying.. especially when i basically only have one pair of jeans that looks good on me hahaha.

  4. Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing!


  5. These sound like something that would be great in theory, terrible in execution but they actually look great on you! Thanks for sharing these!

  6. so funny because i immediately thought of these 'extra button' for when you're pregnant... where was it when i needed one when i was a huge hippo 3 years ago? lol.

    anyway, i definitely could use these because i'm only 5'3"... which sucks because it's so hard to find pants that fits perfectly to my short frame. when i go shopping, pants are almost always too long for me. :( thanks for sharing, alison!


  7. @HEARTvancouver As far as I know, they're only available on the website. Stores really should stock them though, they'd sell well!

  8. Oh, I definitely need these! .. Even though I barely ever wear jeans haha

    Yepp, they opened a Guu here in Toronto a few years ago and another location just a few months ago! I love all their tapas :)

  9. Oh, neat concept! :) I always used to have this problem and I used to tuck the bottoms in or roll them into cuffs, haha. My grandma helped me alter all my pants so I'm good for the time being, but this is good for those pairs of pants that you still want to keep a bit long but need to "shorten" every so often for the flats. I guess it just depends on what kind of footwear you wear more often as some wear either heels or flats and not the other.

  10. These are a good idea! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh wow, short legs are dying for these! All my hems are too long. Must look into this!

  12. I think I need try Hem Gems! Thanks for sharing this!



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