June 16, 2011


Does anyone recognize this kimono from my Zara wishlist post made back in March? Well, as you can see, I did manage to get my hands on it! It only comes in one size (medium), so it's a little baggy but I suppose it's okay for the whole "loose and flowy" look that I love so much anyway.

Thankfully, I had also recently rediscovered these white jeans that my aunt gave me a while ago. When I first got them I scoffed at their impracticality, but they were totally necessary for me to blatantly rip off Zara's lookbook.

 Kimono Wrap: Zara / Tank: Smart Set / Jeans: Falmer
Heels: Ralph Lauren / Wristlet: Coach

In other news, I woke up this morning reeling from last night's events. For those of you who aren't in Vancouver and don't know what happened, essentially a bunch of hooligans took to the streets after the Canucks' Game 7 Stanley Cup Final loss, wreaking havoc throughout downtown. They set cars on fire, smashed windows and looted stores... (there are some devastating photos online if you Google them). I can't believe people would do this to their own city. This wasn't the Vancouver I know and love. Thanks so much to everyone who has shown their support for our hockey team and our city by helping with clean-up efforts this morning. ♥


  1. loveee that wrap!! So cute <33

  2. Love this wrap on you. I tried on the one in Coral couple weeks ago, too big on me!

    Yes, it was so sad to see what happened last night, our beautiful city is ruined ><

  3. Beautiful kimono wrap. I hope it's still in stores during the Zara Spring/Summer sale which starts on Friday!

  4. You're gorgeous! That kimono wrap is beautiful too :)

  5. @Chic Escape This one's big on me too but I wanted it so bad I decided I would make it work somehow, haha!

  6. Sports fans are a weird breed. It sucks to think people would do that to their home.

    That zara kimono top is AWESOME on you. And I'm a sucker for all white outfits (like I'm wearing today)!

  7. I really want that Kimono wrap from Zara! I think it's sooo pretty, but it's a bit out of my budget, sigh!

  8. WOW,the kimono wrap is simply adorable!!!You look great!

  9. love your outfit!! i saw this exact kimono wrap at zara's too and i thought about getting it but couldn't figure out how i would style it.. i absolutely love how you styled it!! you look gorgeous!

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  11. Pretty kimono; looks like Winter Kate! I love white for summer. I'm thinking this would really look good with a shot of hot pink somewhere in the mix, haha!

    I like how you styled your hair for this set of photos.



  12. I love the print of that jacket- I actually tried it on a couple of months ago but it swallowed me whole! You've managed to style it so it doesn't overwhelm and I don't think it looks too baggy :)


  13. i looove that zara kimono. i'm so glad you picked it up! xx

  14. That kimono is sooo pretty! Love the colors & the print, and it looks so pretty paired with the crisp white!

  15. Zara has a kimono? How did I miss that?! Booo, hate when I'm out of the shopping loop. You look amazing though, love the feel of this whole outfit. I can't even talk about the riots anymore, I get so angry still argh!

  16. @PopChampagne Zara is having their summer sale right now... maybe you'll be able to find it!

    @TFE Omigosh, a hot pink? I don't wear colours!! Haha. I really should branch out and away from my beloved neutrals :p

    @aliciafashionista Zara has sooooo many kimonos right now. I want them all.

  17. lovely outfit!! i adore your kimono and the all white ensemble <3

  18. great look! the kimono is fantastic. and overall, i just love that 2nd picture :) you are beautiful! <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com

  19. OMG! I wanted that top but you beat me to it! Looks so good on you :)

    Thanks for your comment always!


  20. Loving that kimono cardi! I am a huge fan of the loose, flowy look!

  21. i had to check back straight away when you said you have 4 kimonos ;-) this kimono is the one I've been after but I haven't seen it in UK Zara shops ;-( love the colours and the print, and you have styled it beautifully with white ;-)


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