September 7, 2012

Mèreadesso Lip Treats

If you're in the market for some luxury lip balm, look no further than Mèreadesso Lip Treats!

Truthfully, I had actually never heard of Mèreadesso before I was sent these products. However, I just love the concept behind the brand, which was founded by a former cosmetics executive who, putting her degrees in Chemistry and Botany to use, came up with a line of "one-step" products packed with enough ingredients to satisfy all your skin's needs. Essentially, you won't have to rifle through a roster of different lotions and potions because there will never be any confusion over what product to use at what time. Great idea, right?

The Clear Lip Treats contain a blend of evening primrose, grape seed, coconut and sunflower oils, enhanced by the added benefits of Vitamins C and E. In addition to acting as a lip balm, they also act as primer for any lipstick, lipgloss, or lipliner. I usually use regular lip balm as a base for my lip colour but sometimes it's nice to use something that's actually intended for that purpose.

I love the slim, sleek, white packaging of these lip balms, which are sold in sets of two so you can keep one in your purse and one in your makeup bag at home. This is perfect for people like me who often have a lip balm in every room of the house so that they're easily accessible at all times.

The Tinted Lip Treats are made with the exact same formula as the Clear Lip Treats, just with the addition of colour. Burgundy (left) shows up as a wine-coloured stain on my lips, which I love. Rose (right), on the other hand, is unfortunately very sheer on my pigmented lips so I don't get much colour pay-off. Both can be used as lip primer as well, particularly to enhance shades in similar colour families.

There is no denying that these are quality products which means they do come at a price: $28 CAN ($14 per tube), to be exact. I recognize that this is more than most people are willing to pay for lip balm but with its double use as a (very good) primer, they're worth a try if you have the extra cash.

For those who are interested in trying some of Mèreadesso's other products, check out their anti-aging Face + Neck Toning Gel, Face + Neck Cleanser, and Beautiful Body Balm.


  1. Great post!<3
    Your blog is lovely!
    What do you think about following?

  2. I've always been interested in trying these as I have yet to receive them in a beauty box, but the price tag is what's turning me off...

    1. Oh, I had no idea they were putting Mèreadesso in some of the beauty boxes... hope you get lucky soon!

  3. Those coloured ones look nice!

  4. It's always fun to read reviews about new products! You're right, I am one of those people who doesn't enjoy paying a lot for a lip balm (I use "Soft Lips" right now), but it might be good as a primer when I wear lipstick. Thanks for sharing! :-)

    xo Leonie

    1. One of the reasons I've always liked Soft Lips is the slim packaging, and I love that Mèreadesso also has it too. Something about it makes it seem so much more sleek!

  5. cutes lipstick dear, i'm interested with the brown ones... ;)


  6. Ohhh dying over here!There's nothing I don't adore here!Well done,honey!;)

  7. I'm all about lip products (I pretty much just do lipstick and that's it most days!) so I'm always on the prowl for new great lippies! These look amazing, and the colours are so spot-on. Hope you're loving Calgary love!

    Alex xo

  8. Lovely colors!! I love these lip balms especially the burgundy one. The white packaging makes them look more appealing.

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  9. I would definitely purchase these. I am always on the hunt for a soothing lip balm that's colorless and this looks great.
    The Fashionable ESQ


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