August 25, 2016

Konifer Boreal Wooden Watch

Wooden watches have fascinated me for the longest time (in fact, a few years ago I stopped a guy in the airport security line who was wearing one and we had a rather lengthy conversation all about his watch, haha). Naturally, when Konifer offered to gift me one of their watches, I was excited for the chance to finally try out this "trend" for myself.

You may have noticed that I rarely wear a watch so I opted for the Boreal design since it looks a bit like a bracelet. It's made with red sandalwood and maple and I love how earthy the duo-tone looks when worn. My wrists are quite small so I had three links removed, but the extra length means these should be able to fit a variety of wrist sizes. I also can't get over how light this watch is --  especially compared to my Michael Kors gold chronograph watch!

Dress: Lush (in white) / Vest: Talula (Aritzia) / Bag: Monserat De Lucca (mini version)
Bracelet: Alden Rae (in black) / Watch: Konifer (c/o)


  1. very pretty watch with all of those bracelets :D
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Love this outfit. It's really cute. You look lovely in these pics :)

    xo Azu

  3. So pretty! My husband has a wood watch that he loves and I always admire it so maybe I need one too! Wood watches are a huge trend and I really like the earthiness of them

  4. Great casual look!!!

  5. This watch is so unique looking! I really love the look of wood watches as they just feel more warm and casual.

  6. Ohh wow this is very earthy with tons of wood! This wouldn't really be my style but I do really like watches with a wooden face!

    Raincouver Beauty


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