March 8, 2011

Zara Wishlist

I'm so glad Zara finally has an online catalogue, as it is one of my favourite stores for on-trend and relatively inexpensive staples. Here are a few items I'm currently loving:

Blouse With Pockets - $69.90 CAD

Flower Blouse - $49.90 CAD

Blouse With Pleated Front - $59.90

Printed Kimono - $119 CAD

Dress With Crocheted Sleeves - $139 CAD

Wide Strap Sandal - $69.90 CAD

And yes, I think it's fair to say that I do gravitate towards a certain colour palette... ;)


  1. I hardly go into Zara (I don't know why though) but that flower blouse is lovely! Must go on the hunt for it!

  2. My eyes also gravitate towards that colour palette when shopping, though too bad not much of it comes home with me

  3. Love that pleated blouse!

  4. @bubbleness, I have decided that I absolutely need those sandals for summer. I don't care that I can't wear them for the next 3 months... a trip to Zara is in order!

    @Gloria, I just loveeeeee blush-coloured things :D

    @Ms. Givens, isn't it glorious? Could be dressed up or dressed down!


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