July 25, 2011

Europe Part 1: London Calling

The first stop on my European vacation was London, a city I've been to many times (I was born there and have lots of family there). For my boyfriend, however, it had been about 17 years since he was last in London so we decided to hit up a few of the main tourist destinations to reacquaint ourselves.

Among the sights included were the Tower of London, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace.

A great thing about London is that the museums and art galleries have no entrance fees. Think of all the inexpensive (/free) dates you could go on! I enjoyed the British Museum the most for its beautiful entrance foyer and amazing sculpture rooms.

London is such a bustling, vibrant city that even walking around is enjoyable because there's so much to see and take in. The stroll along South Bank, in particular, is not to be missed!

Hope you enjoyed this little snapshot of my time in the UK. To be honest, most of our time there was spent with friends and family or shopping (in my case) so I don't have too much in the way of "tourist-y" things.  

Europe Parts 2 and 3 featuring Paris and Rome are coming soon!


  1. uh-may-zing! just cements the reason why i want to go to London so badly! fingers crossed, i'll be able to go next year =).

  2. No matter how many times I go down to London, I'll always find new things to do. I love that place!
    Can't wait for your next holiday post

  3. Love London! Great images!


  4. can't wait to see your Paris & Rome pictures! did you find my tips useful at all?

  5. lovely pictures. I've never been to london but hoping to go one day

  6. The British Museum was the only museum I enjoyed while in London years ago. I was 16 and not into art but this particular museum I loved :)

  7. I love London - it is such a gorgeous city, one of my favorite capitals :)

  8. Hi! I like this post so much, you look really great!The pictures are fantastic, I love London!
    If you want come and visit my blog, and if you like, follow me!I'll be waiting for you!


  9. great pictures! Love your outfit in the post before :)
    Love Lois xxx


  10. @Khatu Your tips were super helpful, thank you so much!!

    @Ashley I agree, all the museums/art can get overwhelming... by the end of the trip I'd been to so many they all kind of started blending together. Good thing I have pictures to remind me which was which!

  11. I would be all over the free museums like mud on a pig! I have so many photos from the ones I've been to in TO and just imagine, I paid for all of those visits, lol. So wonderful you got to go back, someday I hope I can go too :)

  12. Great pictures! Love your casual comfy traveling outfit too! :)


  13. Amazing pictures Alison!

  14. just found your blog - amazing! love the photos from london...makes me want to go there! i went when i was like 8, but who can remember that?

    can't wait see future pics!

    xoxo, steph

  15. I LOVE London!!!I think it's the most amazing city in Europe!Lucky you!Have a great time there!

  16. LOVE your pictures! London is one of my top favorite cities and I can't wait to go back, hubs and I are trying to plan a trip soon. Glad you had a good time!

  17. awesome photos! i can't wait to head over to europe :)hope you can check out my blog for some +vibes and inspiration!

  18. "The stroll along South Bank, in particular, is not to be missed!"

    I love the South Bank too. I'm hoping there'll be a Christmas Market there again this year. And there's always the Globe Theatre, which is a favourite of mine. It's not going to appeal unless you like Shakespeare but it definitely appeals to me.

    My favourite part of London is Covent Garden though. The Globe and St James's Park are pretty close behind it but Covent Garden is one place I always make time for. It's got such a wonderful atmosphere, it's always busy, there are all the little shops and the markets. And at Christmas, it really comes alive. Last December, my Mum and I booked into serviced apartments London for a weekend in Covent Garden. And it felt like we'd had a week's holiday, it was wonderful. Chestnuts, mulled wine, hot chocolate and the markets. You couldn't find a better atmosphere anywhere in London.


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