November 21, 2010

More iPhone Day-in-the-Life Shots

I was supposed to start using my iPhone camera more often... Unfortunately I haven't been that diligent about it, but here are a few snapshots from the last little while.

Strawberry crepe from Gypsy Rose Cafe on W. 4th

 Very "realistic" portrait of me and my bf drawn by a homeless man (if only my eyelashes were naturally that curly!)

English Bay, the day after our first snowfall

They serve as reminders of those simple but memorable moments in life, and will hopefully get me through the super boring studying/paper writing I've got going on for the next month or so.


  1. Wow, the quality of the iphone camera is pretty good. I can see the crepe and the sugar so clearly I feel like drooling =P
    Lol at the homeless man drawing and the view of the English Bay is just gorgeous. Was the sun setting?

  2. @Gloria, the iPhone camera quality is suprisingly good for a phone camera! I should really start using it more. And yes, the sun was literally just setting when I took that picture... so pretty!

  3. Lovely pictures! Especially that looks so delicious.

  4. Love English Bay slash Vancouver.

  5. Cute drawing.

  6. Yes you should use your iphone camera more often or else it might get its way to me LOL! :P Nice quality, btw ;)

  7. i love crepes!! it's just delicious especially when it has just been made, with nutella :)
    drey jewelry.


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