May 3, 2011

Reviva Labs Makeup Primer

Awhile ago, I was sent some products from Reviva Labs to review. I had never heard of them before, but they have actually been around for over 3 decades and were the original "health food store" brand featuring natural, paraben-free ingredients. The company is apparently a leading innovator in skincare products, some of which I will be featuring in another post. Today, however, I would like to share my thoughts on their Makeup Primer.

I know a lot of people don't wear makeup primer regularly, but it really is a great multi-functional product. If you wear it under makeup, primer can help your foundation last longer and control oil. And even if you don't wear makeup, using a primer will leave your skin looking silky smooth and velvety.

I currently use Smashbox Photofinish Primer, which is quite expensive, so I'm always looking for cheaper alternatives. Reviva Labs Makeup Primer is quite similar to Smashbox, but much cheaper at $19.50  for a 1 Fl. Oz. (29.5 ml) bottle. It's a clear, fragrance-free gel formula that applies smoothly. It's also non-comodegenic and contains COQ10 for extra protective antioxidant action.

My skin gets super oily so finding oil control products is always difficult. This Makeup Primer wasn't completely effective in that department as I still have to blot throughout the day (still looking for that miracle mattifier!), but it did provide a good base for my foundation. I love how smooth my skin feels after I apply it and the pump bottle is great (more sanitary this way).

For those of you who don't want to shell out the $$ for Smashbox, I recommend this for sure. Check out Reviva Labs Makeup Primer here for more information.


  1. AnonymousMay 03, 2011

    I like Reviva's moisturizers!

  2. @Ms. Givens Their moisturizers do seem pretty good. I've been testing out a glycolic acid one and I like it so far!

  3. I am pretty excited to try this product!!! I have the same problem with my skin!!! Love your blog and now following! Maybe you'll have time to visit my blog:)


  4. Awesome review. Love those nails too!

  5. frostedsnowMay 13, 2011

    I like your nails. You like doing leopard prints!

    I tried the Smashbox primer in Sephora before, but if I remember correctly, it has silicon in it, right? I'm trying to stay away from silicon as much as possible so I didn't consider it at the time. How do you like it?

  6. @frostedsnow Yep, Smashbox does have silicone in it. I don't use it everyday but only when I know I'm going to have a long day/will need my makeup to stay put. Oil control is a problem for me so I do still have to blot throughout the day but it's better than going without.


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