February 20, 2014

Revlon Makes Me Blush

This year I seem to have gone a little overboard on the Valentine's Day posts (see here, here, and here) which is a little strange given the fact that I don't even like Valentine's Day that much... but anyway, now that the holiday has come and gone, here's one last post to round things out!

Last week, Revlon e-mailed me a fun online quiz to discover my perfect date night personality. Based on the results, they then sent over a carefully curated selection of products to help me embrace my inner "Romance Lover." Side note: how cute is the card illustrated by the super talented Sayaka Molatalab?

For a flirty finish, Revlon recommended combining the Highlighting Palette in Rose Glow ($12.95 CAD) with a pinch of their new Cream Blush in Flushed ($11.95 CAD) on the apples of my cheeks. Rose Glow features five complementary shimmer shades that can be blended together to illuminate the skin or used separately for contouring. It's a similar concept to Bobbi Brown's popular Shimmer Bricks though this particular one seems less pigmented and more shimmery. Topped with Flushed, my cheeks got a great wash of colour and I love the chic pot packaging, which reminds me a bit of MAC's Tinted Lip Conditioners.

Coquette (also worn above) is one of 10 shades in the ColorBurst Lacquer Balm ($9.95 CAD) line. It feels super comfortable on the lips and imparts a shiny, juicy-looking pink colour. Like all the other products in the ColorBurst Crayon Collection, it smells like peppermint and comes in super adorable chubby pencil packaging with a twist-up bottom so no sharpening is required.

For an alternative lip look, there is also the ColorBurst Matte Balm in Showy ($9.95 CAD). A cool-toned fuschia pink, it's pigmented with a velvety matte finish (I wouldn't call it a true matte). You need to make sure your lips are properly prepped because it will definitely show any and all flakes.

And lastly, Bubbly Nail Polish is a bubblegum pink cream that reminds me of Essie Pink Parka but slightly less neon. Like many creams, the formula is difficult to work with leaving some streaks/patches. I do really like the colour though, so it's a keeper for me. Thankfully it's not expensive and you can often find these polishes on sale!


  1. That cream blush looks less scary once you've blended it out!

    1. It does look really scary in the pot, doesn't it? Thankfully very wearable once on!

  2. Loving the nail polish - perfect barbie pink color :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

    1. I know, I kind of love it! I've gotten lots of compliments on it too :)

  3. I want everything haha and you right the card is very cute.

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  4. nice pics!! ; ]



  5. SO PRETTY! Love those lipsticks on you.

  6. I can't tell what I'm more in love with, the cream blush, the lip pencils, or the nail polish! I totally agree with you about the finish with the matte balms.. definitely not a true matte, but still a fantastic finish/application.

  7. Gorgeous! This looks amazing on you! xx Rena Kiss and Make Up

  8. Ohhhh I like the looks of that revlon cream blush! I've been dying to try Revlons' balm stains...soo tempting! Great review of everything and lovely swatches! Everything looks like it goes perfectly together :]

  9. I like both pink shades, but for some reason I've been really attracted to matte shades lately! You rock them both really well!

    Amanda | feast.fashion.faves

    1. I've been preferring matte over glossy lately too but I really love this Lacquer Balm!

  10. This looks like such a cheerful package to receive! Everything is so pretty!

    aka Bailey

  11. Everything you got in your package looks so pretty! Due to a delivery error, I'm still waiting for mine :( I looove that gloss color on you. It's the perfect mix of pink and purple without looking too weird.

    1. Do you know what date night personality you got yet? Can't wait to see!

  12. I love that highlighting palette! I may need to try out the cream blush now


  13. Wauw beautiful products!

    X Laura



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