May 21, 2015

Too Faced Summer 2015: Natural Matte Eyeshadow Palette, Cocoa Contour, and Better Than False Lashes Extreme!

Too Faced has a number of fun releases for Summer 2015 including three products that I was sent for review and have been dying to share with you all.

First up, my favourite of the bunch: the Too Faced Natural Matte Eyeshadow Palette. You read that right -- an entirely matte palette. Eyeshadow addicts rejoice! The company took their best-selling Natural Eyes Palette and turned all 9 shades matte... sort of, anyway.

The matte shades from Natural Eyes have all been moved into this palette (HeavenCashmere BunnySexspressoNudie). They are joined by five new matte versions of the other Natural Eyes shadows and given semi-related names. Silk Teddy's matte counterpart is Lace Teddy, Push-Up's is Strapless, Erotica's is Risque, Honey Pot's is Honey Butter, and Chocolate Martini's is Chocolate Cookie. The shadows are buttery smooth, completely matte, and I am obsessed with them.

The Too Faced Cocoa Contour Palette is another fun addition to the company's product line. I'm new to their Cocoa Complex, which is infused into these powders, so I was surprised when I realized that they do actually smell like chocolate (not a fake smell at all but instead yummy and delicious). In fact, every time I open the palette I kind of want to eat it.

The palette features two sculpting powders (Medium Cocoa and Dark Cocoa), a matte highlighter (Light Cocoa), and a shimmery highlighter (Pop of Light). The little Contour Buki Brush that's included is really soft and although I rarely use the brushes that come with palettes I like using this one with these powders. Plus, like many Too Faced products, there's a folded instructionable that shows you how to achieve a range of contoured looks, from more natural to "celebrity."

Last in this round-up is the most recent addition to the company's mascara line, Too Faced Better Than False Lashes Extreme! You get two tubes, one of mascara (the gold) and one of fibres (the white). You start by layering on the black Prime & Seal Mascara. Next, you layer on the fibres, and then swipe on another coat of the Prime & Seal.

This was my first introduction to fibre lashes and to be honest, I find them kind of weird. The fibres are literally white pieces of fluff that you brush onto your lashes and then cover up. They do sort of add volume but I don't think they look like false lashes. Plus they made my lashes feel heavy and were annoying to remove, despite many swipes of makeup remover.

Below is a quick FOTD to show you these three products in action. On my eyes, I'm wearing the three shadows from the "Classic" section in the Natural Matte Palette and the Better Than False Lashes Extreme! duo on my lashes.

On my face, I used a mix of all 4 powders from Cocoa Contour. I almost never contour since I wear glasses the majority of the week for work and they kind of cover any sculpting/highlighting efforts. However, it was kind of fun playing around with light/dark and attempting to create the semblance of cheekbones.


  1. I need the matte palette in my life, what beautiful colours x

    Just Little Things

  2. Love the colors of this palette! I need to purchase it.

  3. omg! so so pretty :D

    I need this asap.

    Pam Scalfi♥

  4. Fantastic palette! Thank you for sharing this to us! xx


  5. What a great palette. Will be looking for this!

  6. I've been lusting after the Natural Mattes Palettes! I have the Natural Eyes one and I loved it! I hit pan on most of the shades in it.


  7. I wonder if matte shadows ate having a moment as everyone seems to be coming out with more matte shades lately, which is great! You can only have so much shimmer right?

    Do my eyes deceive me or does that contour palette contain a cool toned grey shade??

    1. So true. Although, where were these matte palettes all those years ago when everyone was complaining about there being none?

      I think you're referring to Medium Cocoa. It's a very cool-toned brown... kind of taupe-ish. It's my personal favourite from that palette!

  8. I would really like to try out that chocolate palette. Usually when you buy things like that it doesn't actually smell like chocolate. The fact that it does really makes me want it :)
    Brooke | brookewrote


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